These pages are designed so that, with most browsers, as soon as you see
this text, all text is displayed and you may stop loading at any time
if you do not want to see the graphics.
Just a few helpful links... My
current schedule.
Also, ways you can contact me.
I really want to know if these pages have problems in any browser. Please
send me comments if you find any problems. Be
sure to get the latest version of your browser. (For those of you composing
webpages, you can check
here to see how they look in Lynx.)
I have had so many requests for the background graphics that I've decided
to be kind and include links to them on each page. (Look down by my
other page links... i.e. where it says 'Return to La Sierra Homepages')

Check out my quotes page and my
site-of-the-week page.
![[Escher's Horsemen
background Tesselation]](images/horsemen.jpg)
Tom and Friends
(Pictures and 'pages)
WWW Links
Most recent version of this page
Department Homepage
Argonne National Lab

Contact Information

Learn from the past
Live in the present
Look to the future

The Shadows image from Babylon 5 (in the title) used by permission
Many thanks to Dr. Rouse and James for the scans on my pages
Last updated: 1999 Jan 04