Following my pictures are pictures and links of my friends and family. (Wow!! They're even alphabetized!) Or, if you don't really feel like seeing all those (dare I honor them all by saying 'insane'?) people, skip to the end. There's now a section of a few selections of my art.
Have fun :)
Description: | My first stuffed animal: Myrtle the Turtle Date: 1974 Taken by: Kathy Elmer
Description: | Picture taken soon before first grade | (Muskogee, OK) Date: 1980?
Description: | Picture taken at the Oklahoma City Zoo | (Oklahoma City, OK) Date: 198x? Taken by: Kathy Elmer (Whitehead)
Description: | High school senior picture | (Mesa Grande Academy, Calimesa, CA) Date: 1991 Nov Taken by: House of Portraits Edited by James McNeill
Description: | Department Picture 1994 | La Sierra University Physics Department Date: 1994 Oct Taken by: Dr. Ed Karlow
Description: | Department Picture 1995 | La Sierra University Physics Department Date: 1995 Oct Taken by: Dr. Ed Karlow
We call this the 'Great Turtle Spirit Dance' Description: | Trip around the US with Jana before she moved | Just testing the waters of the Great Lakes :) Date: 1997 June 28 Where: Mackinac Bridge, MI Taken by: Jana Sochor
Don't tell me!! I know what 2+2 is! I'll think of it soon! Description: | Joe was playing around with his new toy... | ... a digital camera | Taken at the Pizza Stop, Redlands, CA Date: 1997 Oct 05 Taken by: Joe Maier
Description: | Graduation photo Date: 1998 June 14 Taken by: California Commencements
Description: | Diploma (B.S. Physics)
Eclipse! This is the drawing people tend to like the most for some reason. Description: | Sketch I began after James and I | went to Mexico to see a solar eclipse in 1991 Date: 1991 July 11 - 1994 Sept 20 |
The Jana Series This is my test subject for trying out new media/techniques. Descriptions: | 1) Original rose I drew for Jana's birthday (delivered late) | 2) An exploration in color. | 3) A test using a water-soluble graphite (similar to watercolor) (image height 12in / 30cm) Dates: 1994 Nov, 1995 Feb 28, 2000 Apr 12 |
This is one of my favorites. Description: | Sketch of a combination of two lighthouses in Oregon | Drawn while Jana and I were driving through OR Date: 1997 June 21 |
I like turtles. Description: | This is a sketch I did in the margin of my notebook one night. Date: 1999 Mar 11 (ignore the '98' on the sketch... it was a mistake.) |
Sketched Turtle The Turtle Moves! Description: | Taken from a postcard of a painted turtle (ergo the title). | I started this one when a good friend (Lisa) left Argonne. | I lost confidence in drawing the head, but finally finished it a half a year later :) Date: 2000 Mar 29 |
Brought to you by Snapple,
enjoyed by physics majors all over the world.
(Endorsed by Nathan Byrd, Islam Abudayyeh, and Tom Elmer.)
Dan 'outre' Burke
Bow to the Danical One!!!! Muahahahahah :)
Someone who would appreciate the
Kooks Museum
Check for the real news at
One of these days he will actually send me copies of the magazine he publishes...
Doug Allen Walter
Computer Science,
Walla Walla College, 1997
Now working at Microsoft
It is by will alone I put my mind in motion
- Dune
Married Marie Goos 1997 Jun 29
Islam Abudayyeh
(*TOP SECRET* surveillance photo of Omani Attack Chicken passing an F-16)
The Grey One requires no obsequities - unless you don't want to meet
a chicken
(Since I revealed this photo, a poultry-geist attack threat has been made
to me)
Going back to southern CA soon...
James McNeill
(Temporarily out of order as darkforce is upgraded)
Computer Science,
Walla Walla College, 1996
Now in the Computer Science department at
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Formerly at Westwood
Studios (Not browser friendly)
Runner is out, so I don't have to be cryptic anymore!
(Can you spot the non-computer programmer in
this picture?)
(Ok, so maybe the picture is of his dog Sonny.)
Married Mendi - 1998 Jul 05
Jana Sochor
La Sierra University, 1997
(Now at
The University of Linköping
in Sweden
... see Magnus)
(That's a rose I drew for her birthday.)
Words are very unnecessary
(Then again, there's always that ONE word...)
Joe Maier
Barstow Community College, 1995
'I am taking applications for my harem... any takers?'
Confucius say: Swiss-army-knives are evil... evil I say!
Now living somewhere in the midwest :)
Luke 'Elric' DuChaine
Electronics Engeering Technology,
ITT Technical
Institute, 1994
Watch out for Shadows, they move, when you're not looking at them -
Babylon 5
Magnus 'The Emperor' Ingmarsson
(see Jana)
Cognitive Science,
The University of Linköping,
o/~ In just seven days I can make you a
maaan o/~
Did you hear the joke about Intel and Microsoft filing for bankruptcy?
Warren 'Jaleem' Stratton and wife Maria
French / Spanish,
University of California -
Riverside, 1997
Sympathy cards were given 1996 Dec 22
(Some of us know his True Love .)
Kathy Elmer (mother)
Just another nut on the family tree :)
(This is one of the best pictures I've taken of her.)
Charlotte Geier (aunt and co-conspirator)
Artwork on display at:
Poetry at
Ralph F. Waddell III (cousin)
'WHAT?! The Marines
isn't an underwater FRPG?? I was tricked!!'
Movie poster courtesy James McNeill.
Last updated: 2000 Apr 17