Teenage Mutant Karate Clover

I see dead people. Er, I mean, I find mutant clovers. (Sometimes called "Four-Leafed Clovers", but I'll include more :D )
I started finding them when I was a kid on lazy summer days on the family farm. I guess it laid the pathways for good clover spotting algorithms in my brain, because I keep finding them. Before starting this page, I'd found several with 5 leaves, one with 6, a few with unseparated leaves, etc. Interestingly enough I've found more around roadsides than on Argonne National Laboratory itself, even though I expected the mutation rate to be higher there. But those car exhausts really cause havoc on clover I guess :(
So, a couple of years ago, I decided to let the mutants take over and stop picking them and start taking pictures. (OK, really I was tired of trying to preserve them after I picked them.) So.. here are some pictures. (Be sure to click on the thumbnails - they're cropped out from the larger composition.)
Images with this symbol have stereo versions associated with them. Click on the thumbnail to see the full-sized image as well as the stereo images.
- Old Teenage Mutant Karate Clover page on tometheus.com
- Why Are Four Leaf Clovers So Rare. (Dead link, archived version)