The Genesis Machine
- by: James P Hogan
- Pub Date: 1978
- pages: 338
- read: 20060103
- Rating: 9/10
I really enjoyed this one.
First on the science:
Hogan's K-space is very similar to modern String Theory. (This shows how up-to-date with physics and forward-thinking he can be at times. String Theory was just starting to be discussed in scientific circles, but hadn't hit the public awareness yet.)
I thought it was interesting seeing some of the possible ramifications if mass can indeed be operated on and rotated through the extra dimensions. Of course, he's short a few dimensions, but hey :D
Next, on to the politics:
The ACRE scenes (unfortunately) reflect work at a national lab very well. A lot of politics, too much security, etc. I could visualize scenes in different places at Argonne very easily. (Although I think he was aiming more at Los Alamos.)
One problem with near-future prediction is that it becomes dated very quickly. So, all of the socio-political aspects from the middle of the book don't work very well. (Hey, it was written in the 70s) However, if you replace 'Communism' with 'Terrorism', a lot of it DOES work. The measures enacted in the book are a lot like the measures enacted under the blanket of Homeland Security in today's America.
Of course Hogan feeds the hubris of scientists :) Science is good, science is pure, science will cure all of society's woes. The main reason I gave it a 9 instead of a 10 is that I do realize that Scientists aren't perfect :D
--Tometheus 00:28, 9 February 2006 (PST)